Soldiers Hill Artist Collective - SHAC
Travis Trudgeon
As a neurodivergent child of the 80s and 90s, whimsical storytelling has always been Trav Trudgeon’s coping mechanism and the lens through which he sees the world. It is now a driving force behind his work. As are values of adaptability, sustainability, and authenticity. As a mature age visual arts graduate and honours student, he also remembers both the fear and excitement around the early internet, digital design, and digital photography. That same fear and excitement are now buzzing around AI text, image, sound, and video generation. In response, he’s endeavoured to explore how AI tools can serve as a collaborative partner in the making of imaginary worlds and characters, working at the cutting edge of technology to create immersive multimedia experiences, blending artificial intelligence with traditional making and sculpting. The result in 2023 was a hybrid audio/visual experience, where physical props and sculptures complemented and provided source material for a digital short film. In 2024, he hopes to use similar art practices to contextualise emerging technologies within a broader history of innovation and political discourse. Contact Travis: E: [email protected] |