Soldiers Hill Artist Collective - SHAC
Stay tuned as this site is under construction.
Judith H Bryce - Fibre Artist
A trip to Broken Hill, in 2014 and a subsequent visit to Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery was the inspiration for Judith to consider Fibre Art as a medium for her creative energy. Her weaving is usually formed from raffia and foraged materials – it is frequently dyed naturally from local materials – and it may also have a framework of a pliable material such as wisteria. This style of weaving and thus creating, allows Judith to make a firm connection with the surrounding land and nature. Australian indigenous weaving has been a positive influence on her style, and also the woven works by renowned Fibre Artist Ann Evers, from Broken Hill. Judith’s woven pieces usually follow a theme; often this can be about the countryside where she grew up and her works are hence regularly interconnected with her personal history. EM: [email protected] |